Final events of “UMNIK” were held in Tatarstan

6 december 2016

Final events of the program “UMNIK” took place in Technopark “Idea”. During the four days 138 students and postgraduates were presenting their projects to experts, among which were representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, doctors of sciences, as well as business consultants.

Having got acquainted with the projects, the experts recommended 35 projects to consideration by the competitive commission of the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation. According to a new regulation on the program “UMNIK” the winners will be announced after their approval by the Directorate of the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation. The results of the competition will be announced in the third week of December 2016.

The program “UMNIK” was launched in Russia in 2007. For 9 years more than 15,000 of the winning projects have been funded for a sum more than 4.5 billion rubles in the country . In Tatarstan the project was launched in 2007. Since then, the young people of Tatarstan were submitted for the competition 1,587 applications. The winners were 237 projects that the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation has financed in the amount of over 47 million rubles.

Note that the final events were preceded by 15 semi-final qualifiers. In particular, the semi-finals of “UMNIK” took place in Innopolis and Kazan (Volga) Federal University. 474 projects were submitted for the semi-final of the event.

In addition, a School of the Young Innovator that became one of inter-university projects for training to the program “UMNIK” was held on the basis of Innovative Development Management of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University. 26 people were listeners. They are students, postgraduates, teachers and researchers of the Kazan Federal University and Kazan National Research Technological University.

During the free training, the listeners received professional skills in the field of patenting intellectual property, marketing analysis, preparation of financial and production plan, as well as learned about the ways of financing projects through competitions and grants.

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