We invite you to the Republican Robotics Festival

22 may 2018

There are 2 days left to complete the reception of applications for the Republican Robotics Festival. Applications must be submitted by May 27, 2018 inclusive to e-mail: cok@tpidea.ru. The position of the festival. The application for participation.

The Robotics Festival is traditionally held in 4 categories: “Racing by Line”, “Sumo. Maneuvering”, “Kegelring-Quadro” and “Creative category: robots for people”. One of the differences between the current contest is a new approach in the categories “Sumo. Maneuvering” and “Kegelring-Quadro”. The effectiveness of competitions in the category “Sumo. Maneuvering” will be determined by many criteria, one of the main - as long as possible to stay in the center of the playing field. The competition “Kegelring-Quadro” is focused on robots, able not only to “see” skittles, but also to distinguish their color.

Of particular interest for both spectators and the judiciary is the creative category, where “robots for people” are robotic complexes that have managed to become part of our daily lives, capable of carrying out various tasks for people.

As a result of the competition, the winners of the festival will be awarded diplomas, cups and valuable prizes, and all participants will be awarded personal certificates.

To participate in the festival are invited teams of educational institutions, using for the study of robotics designers Lego.

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