Accepting applications for “Idea-1000” will end in October 15, 2018

24 september 2018

The program of innovative projects “Idea-1000”, which involves the creation of science-intensive technology companies, this year has started in a new format. The purpose of the changes is to accelerate the commercialization and implementation of innovative projects in priority sectors of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

So, since 2018 it has been decided to reduce the terms and increase the amount of project financing. For 1.5 years, a start-up can raise up to 20 million rubles in one project at the expense of the amounts of financing brought to parity with the financing of the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation and participation in the acceleration program.

Winning projects will be able to receive 4 million rubles from the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan (IVF RT) and the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation at the stage “Start-1”. The result of the stage will be the completion of R & D. At the stage of “Start-2” they will be able to get 6 million rubles, respectively. The result will be a working business model and a working prototype of the product. 3 projects are also financed up to 8 million rubles for each one on parity terms at the stage “Start-3”. As a result there will be the release of a party and the beginning of product promotion. Regardless of all programs, the project has the right to apply for participation in the Acceleration program and receive up to 5 million rubles.

The value of state support for innovative projects is obvious: “The most difficult and costly part for an innovative young company is the time from the birth of an idea to the creation of the first prototype or finished product. According to statistics, 80% of starters “die” at this time - this is an investment in the start of the company, - noted in the IVF RT. - And without such programs to support state financing, ideas will simply die or it will be implemented where they exist, that’s why Tatarstan is considered one of the leading innovation regions of Russia, the ideas are born here and are being introduced here”.

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