State subsidies to pay interest on loans will be received by business in Tatarstan

1 october 2019

The press service of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan announced today the launch of the new program. Tatarstan RBC reports that acceptance of applications from applicants for participation will start on October 3, 2019.

Subsidies for the payment of interest on loans can small and medium-sized businesses whose production is located on the territory of a sensitive facility, management companies, residents of industrial parks and sites, export-oriented companies.

Small and medium-sized businesses whose production facilities are located on the territory of the regime facility, management companies, residents of industrial parks and sites, export-oriented companies can receive subsidies for payment of interest on loans.

At the same time, the loan agreement must be concluded no earlier than January 1, 2017 in the amount of at least 2.5 million rubles. The interest rate should not exceed 14.13%. As the purposes for which the loan was received, are allowed: replenishment of working capital and acquisition of fixed assets, construction or reconstruction of engineering infrastructure, industrial buildings, structures, implementation of investment projects.

“We are interested in the fact that as many entrepreneurs as possible to develop their business in our region, thereby increasing the business climate and stimulating the development of related areas. Entrepreneurship is one of the foundations of the economy, which is why we actively support private business at the start. In particular, the new program on subsidizing loan payments is also aimed at this”, - the press service of the Ministry of Economy quoted the head of the Ministry Farid Abdulganiev.

RBC Tatarstan sent a request to the press service of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan about the sources of financing the program and the maximum number of its participants.

The head of the Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan Rafik Shaikhutdinov, responding to questions from RBC Tatarstan, positively assessed the launch of the new program, which, in his opinion, will be in demand.

“Subsidizing the interest rate is, firstly, the most understandable and fastest way to get benefits for the development of existing enterprises, and secondly, it is a relatively easy to administer type of support that does not require the organization of commissions, the collection of various documents and so on. From the point of view of management, it is cheaper, there is less confusion in it, it is most transparent and effective’, - said Mr. Shaikhutdinov

According to the head of the Association, a positive factor is the fact that the developers of the program did not introduce an industry barrier for beneficiaries and included residents of industrial parks and industrial sites in the program.

At the same time, Mr. Shaikhutdinov emphasized that the size of the subsidy is insufficient for the development of production, therefore this program is more focused on micro-business. “Taking into account the cost of modern technologies, 10 million rubles is not enough for a breakthrough, for scaling up a business, it is more likely to update production assets and improve conditions. If we could reach 70-80 million, then we could talk about the acquisition of modern equipment and technologies, which could have a serious impact on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises’, - he said.

The Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan Arthur Nikolaev, in an interview with RBC Tatarstan, expressed the opinion that support for the purchase of equipment would be preferable for SMEs of the republic. As an example, he called the program “50/50”, which operated in the region until 2018 and provided for compensation for half the cost of equipment purchased by businessmen. At the same time, he noted a positive factor - earlier in the region there were practically no support tools for residents of industrial sites, the number of which in the Republic of Tatarstan has currently exceeded 90.

“There was no “snap”, there were no offers for them. And many regions were waiting for the appearance of some kind of support tool”, - said Mr. Nikolaev.

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