Oleg Sinyashin was awarded the Arbuzov Prize

22 october 2019

Head of the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Sinyashin was awarded the International Arbuzov Prize in the field of organophosphorus chemistry 2019. The award was presented to the scientist by the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

International Arbuzov Prize in the field of organophosphorus chemistry was established in July 1997 by Tatarstan President, on the eve of the 120th anniversary of academician Alexander Arbuzov, an outstanding Russian chemist and originator of a new chemical branch – chemistry of organophosphorus compounds. The prize was established with the aim of further development of chemical science in Tatarstan, to encourage scientists for outstanding scientific works, scientific discoveries and inventions in the field of phosphorus chemistry. The prize is awarded once every two years to a Russian or foreign scientist personally. The size of the award is 5 thousand dollars.

The press service quoted Mr. Pesoshin at the ceremony of awarding the prize: “for more than 20 years, this award is the only one in the world in the field of organophosphorus chemistry and remains one of the most prestigious and status awards. Kazan is the city where organic chemistry was born. It was here that a scientific school arose in the middle of the XIX century, which gave a whole galaxy of scientists of world chemical science. The chemistry of phosphorus and its organic compounds is one of the most important directions in the development of organic chemistry. Today, scientists from Tatarstan continue to actively work in this direction”.

The Prime Minister expressed his sincere joy that this year the Arbuzov Prize is awarded to his fellow countryman, Director of the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Addressing the laureate, he noted that the current achievements are the result of painstaking and hard work, scientific research, and tireless research activities. “We are proud of your success and contribution to the development of modern science,” - he said.

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