A project for elimination the consequences of emergency oil spills is being developed in the Tatarstan

27 october 2020

The project, supported by the Technopark “Idea”, became a laureate of an international competition for scientific, technical and innovative developments aimed at the development and reclamation of the Arctic and the Continental Shelf.

The competition is supported by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

The project-laureate is aimed at ensuring effective elimination of the consequences of accidental spills of oil and petroleum products in sea water at low temperatures of the Regional Center for Engineering in the field of chemical technologies.

According to the authors,, the relevance of the project is determined by the following: accidental spills of oil and petroleum products (hereinafter referred to as oil), which are possible at the facilities of the oil producing, transporting and refining industries, cause significant damage to ecosystems, lead to negative economic and social consequences. And to reduce the possible negative consequences, special attention is required to the study of methods of liquidation of emergency oil spills. This is especially true for the harsh conditions of the Far North and the Arctic, which are characterized by difficult to restore and vulnerable ecosystems.

In addition, currently such substances are not produced in Russia, and only foreign analogues are used.

After receiving positive results of R&D of the first stage and determining further directions for the development of the acquired competencies, Technopark plans to organize first a pilot, and then serial production of dispersants. Also in the plans is the creation of anti-icing fluids for ground anti-icing treatment of aircraft, the development of reagents for hydraulic fracturing in oil fields, new generation coolants, etc.


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