Students take professional exams

28 october 2020

Technopark “Idea” continues the implementation of a pilot project of the state final certification and independent qualification assessment to combine the procedures of certification and independent assessment of qualifications of students of secondary vocational education. For founders of educational organizations, including education authorities, the independent assessment of qualifications is a tool for identifying effective and ineffective educational programs, for colleges it is a source of feedback for improving training. The project involves educational institutions of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Tatarstan, industry councils for professional qualifications, Autonomous nonprofit organization “National Agency for the Development of Qualifications”, the Ministry of Digital Development of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Today, “International Competence Center of the Kazan Technical School of Information Technologies and Communications” with the support of the Qualifications Assessment Center of the Non-commercial partnership “Povolzhsky Center for Quality” takes a professional exam at its examination site, associated with intermediate certification on the professional qualification “Programmer (3rd level of the qualification)” for students of the State autonomous professional educational institution “International Competence Center of the Kazan Technical School of Information Technologies and Communications” of training areas 09.02.07 Information systems and programming.

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