Students confirm qualifications in the automotive industry

24 december 2020

A pilot project is continuing to combine tools for independent assessment of qualifications with intermediate and state final certification of students completing their studies in secondary vocational education institutions.

On December 23, 2020 the Council for Professional Qualifications in the automotive industry organized a professional examination for the qualification “Mechanic of mechanical assembly works in the automotive industry, the 3rd qualification level”. 12 students of the 4th course of the direction of preparation 02.23.02 ‘Automobile and tractor building” of the Kama State Automotive Technical School named after L.B. Vasilyeva (Naberezhnye Chelny) passed the theoretical part of the vocational examination, coupled with intermediate certification. Students who have scored a passing score will receive a document from the CPQ in the automotive industry on the successful completion of the theoretical part of the professional exam.

The professional exam for students is free of charge, qualifications are confirmed by employers, and an applicant increases his competitiveness in the labor market. Information about each issued certificate of qualification is entered into the federal register of qualified workers (

Details on the specifics of qualification can be clarified by e-mail:


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