Changes in the programme “UMNIK”

15 june 2021

The latest updates of the programme “UMNIK” have been introduced today to the youth of Tatarstan. The online seminar was attended by all interested parties.

The event was organized by the Technopark “Idea”, the base site of the Regional Representative of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) in the Republic of Tatarstan.

During the seminar, the head of the department for the development of innovative programmes of the Technopark “Idea” Farida Gainullina reminded that “UMNIK” is designed for young innovators from 18 to 30 years old inclusive, who are awarded a grant for conducting research work. In particular, the programme includes such areas as:

H1. Digital technologies;

H2. Medicine and technologies of health preservation;

H3. New materials and chemical technologies;

H4. New devices and intelligent manufacturing technologies;

H5. Biotechnologies;

H6. Resource-saving energy.

This year, FASIE is also actively continuing its work under the programme “UMNIK”. But since 2021, some changes have been made to the programme. So, now the grant of 500 thousand rubles will be paid at a time after the conclusion of the contract.

When evaluating the project, the experience of interaction with other development institutions (a platform of the national technology initiative, Skolkovo, etc.) will be assessed.

In addition, submitting an application for the programme “Start-1” after the completion of the programme “UMNIK” has become optional. But now the participant must fill out a roadmap for the further development of the project.

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