We invite you to a free seminar!

5 october 2021

A free seminar on participation in the programme “UMNIK” will be held at 04:00 pm on October 6, 2021. Technopark specialists will advise participants on the issues of registration of an application for the competition.

Registration for the seminar: tunakova@tpidea.ru.

The competition “UMNIK” is aimed at supporting young innovators and aspiring scientists. The winners will receive a grant in the amount of 500,000 rubles. The funds are irrevocable. Technopark “Idea” provides advisory support to the participants of the contest: helps with an application, conducts seminars for the successful defense of a project, etc.

Individuals from 18 to 30 years of age inclusive, who are citizens of the Russian Federation and have not previously won the programme, can apply for the competition under this programme.

Support options:

  • the grant amount is 500 thousand rubles;
  • R&D completion period is no more than 24 months (2 stages, 12 months each).

Directions of the programme:

H1. Digital technologies;

H2. Medicine and technologies of health preservation;

H3. New materials and chemical technologies;

H4. New devices and intelligent manufacturing technologies;

H5. Biotechnologies;

H6. Resource-saving energy.

In total, in 2020, entrepreneurs and young researchers of the republic received about 700 million rubles in grant aid from the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) through various competitions on a gratuitous basis.

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