About Business angels activities.

3 august 2009

On the 3rd of August businessmen interested in investment of innovative companies of early stage development (seed and start-up) for the purpose of own funds increase so-called business angels got together in the Technopark “Idea”. The aim of meeting was creation of Business angels club in the Republicof Tatarstan. Angels confederate for the achievement of this aim. It gives them next advantages:

  • ramified system of relationship, increase of profitable deals inflow via cooperation with like-minded persons;

  • methodology and relationship gives urgent knowledge of market, management, financial preconditions, and forms successful investment decisions;

  • diversity of risks from participation in innovative projects;

  • administration of club work according to united standards and regulations.

And also it gives access to projects information, experience of development and investment of technological business, opportunities of guidance in projects management, opportunities of resources use of business angels’ network etc.

Decision of Business angels’ club creation was made during the meeting. Members of the club set next meeting in early September in order that determine its mission, objective and tasks, main principles of club functioning, plan of action, consider code of conduct and detect general interests of the club.

In this club Technopark “Idea” will perform the function of project office and administrator of club.

Source: tpidea.ru
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