Noncommercial organization “Club of innovative ideas development of the Republic of Tatarstan” is organizing on the basis of Technopark “Idea”.

10 august 2009

The club is organized for the purpose of creative and effective fulfillment of tasks which set before members of the club. Those tasks following include:

- organization of cooperation between members of the club and potential customers of product (large business of RT);

- search of decisions of innovative, socio-economic, theoretical and practical, cultural, ecological and other problems connected with development of innovative activity and realization of innovative projects including projects of content “IDEA-1000”;

- rise of innovative activity prestige and knowledge of modern society by popularization of activity and experience of the club and its members;

- decide the issues which interesting for members of the club and connected with preparation and realization of innovative projects, studies, work (including search of personnel and job placement), organization of leisure and other.

Organization of effective information exchange between members of the club and also between the club and partner organizations in search of decisions of above-mentioned issues is part of the club responsibility.

Members of the club can be individual, juridical person and non-government organizations. Membership in the club is given by recommendation of 3 members of the club. Persons who reach the final of the contest “IDEA-1000” can be enter to the club automatically.

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