“Mandarin Thursday” in Technopark “Idea”: pleasant aftertaste

22 december 2015

Christmas mood on the eve of the upcoming 2016 was presented to the residents by the administration of Technopark “Idea” together with the training company TeamSoft. The event, which took place on December 17, 2015, was attended by about a hundred of employees of resident companies.

Employees of the companies were divided into teams and together with curators from TeamSoft passed various tests. The feature of the event was that in each team there were people from different companies, and passing the test, they got acquainted with each other.
Plot and dynamic game lasted about 2 hours. . At the end of the event, each employee received a portion of good mood, good friends and tangerines.
The goal of the game was reached, as noted by the organizers: there were received good feedbacks from the heads of resident companies. Here are some of them:
·       “Thank you for the great activity and excellent organization. The participating employees are through the roof degree of positivity after the event, everyone really enjoyed it”.
·       “The games were great fun. Staff had a positive charge and charged everyone in the office”
·       “Despite the cold, everything was perfect! Spend more such games!”
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