Technopark “Idea” has become the member of the Union of Innovative and Technology centers of Russia.

23 october 2007

The decision was made on October 10, 2007 at the general meeting of the members of the non-commercial organization “The Union of innovative-technological centers of Russia” (ITC of Russia Union), which was held in Saint-Petersburg in the framework of the III Russian Venture Fund and the VIII Venture Fair.

ITC of Russia Union was founded on March 10, 2000. 21 innovative-technological centers from 8 regions of the Russian Federation were represented as its founders.

During 5 years of Interagency Program of innovation activity in scientific and technical sphere of Russia (these centers were founded within this program) the network of ITC of Russia has been 100 thousand square meters total, where 300 small-scale companies are located. The volume of science intensive production realization in 1999 was more than 1,5 billion rubles.

Regional innovative-technological centers take an active part and coordinate with small-scale innovative business support programs and are closely connected with regional industry. Many of them succeeded in full innovative cycle, including training and development.

Innovative-technological centers relate their further development with the ITC of Russia Union activities.

The ITC of Russia Union is supposed to emphasize at the development of existent and the formation of new financing mechanisms of innovative projects and infrastructure, such as venture financing institute, guarantee fund, R&D funds.


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