Children’s idea for the protection of iron horses

29 june 2016

“Wow, now my bike is like a car with its own number”. That phrase has been most often heard today by the initiators and organizers of the project “Our Bicycles”.

The youth project “Our Bicycles” is the registration of bikes by means of laser marking, which will serve to protect against theft.

The first marking of bikes has been held today in Technopark “Idea”. The event was attended by more than 50 school students of Kazan. CEO of the Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan Nikolai Nasonov and initiators of the project – students of Lyceum No. 5 of Vakhitovsky district of Kazan - told about laser engraving, acquainted with the fundamentals of laser technology and the project “Our Bicycles”.

The practical part was emotional and exciting, when the organizers put markings on a bicycle – a phone number on the seat, and serial number in the bicycle registration system on the rim of the wheel and the frame. The database has been also formed by students themselves.

As a result of the action 47 bikes were entered into the database. This means that about fifty iron horses have become more secure from theft, said students-initiators of the project.

Note that idea of creating such database had come to the pupils during the technology lessons that take place in the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity “Idea” (CYIC). As told curator of the project, CEO of the Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan (resident of Technopark “Idea”) Nikolai Nasonov, laser marking of various parts of a bike will be one of the measures of protection against theft. “Marking will allow quicker search of stolen bicycle and its parts. Data on the marked bike will be stored in a single accounting database which will be made by the students themselves with the help of tutors”, - said Nikolai Nasonov.

Only in Kazan 129 bicycle thefts have been reported since the beginning of the year. The amount of damage is about half a million rubles.

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