Technopark “Idea” has hand over the laboratory and industrial complex to “Nanopharma Development”

8 september 2016

Today President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov has participated in the launching ceremony of the high-tech industries in the Technopolis “Himgrad”. Moreover, a solemn transfer of the laboratory and industrial complex and the land under it from Technopark “Idea” and Nanotechnology Center on the implementation of the project “Drug delivery systems based on nanotechnology” to the company Nanopharma Development has taken place in the presence of the President of Tatarstan. The company develops and produces innovative products aimed actions. It is intended for the treatment of cancer, HIV, and to support the recovery of patients after transplantation of organs and tissues. Modern automated production line allows to avoid contact of personnel with manufactured drugs.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told the online edition of “Realnoe vremya” about the history of projects and development plans.

Press service of Technopark “Idea” according to materials of Information Agency “Tatar-inform”

Photo by press service of RT President and Technopark “Idea”

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