Competition “SH.U.STR.I.K.” has started in Russia

19 september 2016

The All-Russian contest of scientific, technical and innovative creativity “SH.U.STR.I.K.” (a student who knows how to build an innovative design) has been launched.

The competition is held annually among students of educational institutions of primary general, basic general, secondary, (full) general education, students up to 18 years of primary vocational education; secondary professional education; higher professional education, and promotes the involvement of schoolchildren and students in the project activities, creating layouts, models, prototypes, forms the skills of invention, design, modeling and implementation of the developed projects.

Tasks for students are divided into key themes and linked to the main areas of technological development of Russia.

“We are trying to formulate tasks for students so that they meet the key scientific and technical trends, as well as also had practical application. We sincerely hope that non-trivial solutions offered by the contestants, can be the basis of applied engineering know-how”, - said a representative of the organizing committee, the head of the All-Russian public organization “Young Innovative Russia” Anna Bukhalo.

The result of the implementation of a school project should be a model or layout, and children can present the work results in three possible formats:

- PowerPoint presentation (no more than 10 slides);

- Photo report and accompanying description (no more than 2 pages);

- Video (no longer than 2 minutes).

Requirements for the presentation and the stages of the contest, the organizers contacts are available on the competition website

The works will be judged by an expert committee, consisting of representatives of the contest partners. The official results will be announced on the 18th of October 2016 on the competition website. All participants will get registered certificates and winners will receive prizes, gifts from sponsors and certificates for preferential participation in a special program in the framework of the forum “Open Innovation” on October 26-28, 2016 and other international and national events.

Organizers of the contest are the Federal State Budget Institution “Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere” (the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation), the All-Russian Public Organization “Young Innovative Russia” and the Association of Economic Interaction of the subjects of the Russian Federation “Association of Innovative Regions of Russia”. Contest operator is Communication group “Alliance Media Strategy” (Center for Youth Innovative Creativity “SuperLab”).

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