Presentation Generations will be held in Kazan

21 september 2016

The presentation of the largest startup accelerator in Russia and Eastern Europe GenerationS from the Russian Venture Company will take place in Kazan on September 22, 2016 . The event will be open to all residents of the region who are interested in science and new technologies, as well as looking for opportunities to start and grow their own business. Presentation GenerationS will gather representatives of regional authorities, venture capital infrastructure, large and medium-sized companies and aspiring entrepreneurs.

GenerationS is Russia’s largest startup accelerator and the first federal platform for the development of acceleration tools in corporations. The partner network of GenerationS includes more than 250 government organizations and commercial companies. The prize fund of GenerationS-2016 will amount to 15 million rubles; total value of prizes from partners will exceed 100 million rubles. Within the passage of the GenerationS accelerator participants will be provided with a wide range of opportunities for business development: access to the resources of industrial partners for the development of joint solutions, personal mentors, expert sessions from leading analysts, international internships, preparation of projects to enter the market and help in attracting investment.

GenerationS-2016 is held in the eight field directions. The participants will meet with partners and operators of the following industrial tracks of GenerationS at the presentation in Kazan:

  • LifeScience Track: the development of new medicines, diagnostic systems and technologies in the field of digital medicine.
  • AgroBioTech&Food Track: projects in the field of increase of efficiency of agriculture, the creation of “new food”, biotechnology for processing of raw materials to create new products and ingredients, modern plant breeding, precision farming, customized production and delivery of food.
  • TechNet Track: projects in the field of intelligent manufacturing and systems, and additive technologies.
  • Mining&Metals Track: new technologies in the field of processing precious metals and mining.
  • Creative Industries Track: new media, entertainment, fashion, design, and social entrepreneurship.
  • Power&Energy Track: energy solutions and the development of personal sources and energy storage devices.
  • SmartCity Track: projects in the field of “smart cities” and new technologies of urban planning.

Presentation time: 12:00.

Track Smart City: projects in the field of "smart city" and new urban planning technologies.

Presentation Time: 12-00.

Place of the presentation: Kazan National Research Technical University – Kazan Aviation Institute named after by A. N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI), 10, Karl Marks Str., Kazan

Admission is free, registration is available here:

Contacts for media accreditation:

Maria Viktorova

Phon: +7 (905) 302-11-44


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