Mentors of “Business Factory” became acquainted with projects of the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation

19 october 2016

Today CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told mentors of “Business Factory” about programs of the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation and opportunities that are provided by Technopark “Idea” to budding entrepreneurs.

“Business Factory” is an educational project that is implemented with the support of the Kazan Federal University and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. The project provides theoretical and practical skills for budding entrepreneurs. The owners of large companies, funds and prospective projects interact with each other for the expansion of business activities.

Mentors of “Business Factory” are current businessmen, which in the framework of the project share their experience with budding entrepreneurs. Today the mentors have learnt more about a contest “Development-NTI”, the winners of which will receive a grant of up to 20 million rubles. Entrepreneurs can apply in 5 areas: AeroNet (air transport), AutoNet (road transport), MariNet (marine transport), NeuroNet (neuro communication), EnergyNet.

The purpose of the contest is R&D support for the implementation of action plans (“roadmaps”) of the National Technology Initiative. For participation in the competition it is necessary to provide work until 23:30 (GMT) on 30 October 2016.

Also today, Sergey Yushko has announced an event called “Crash-test of projects: “from “Eureka” to Practice”. The event will take place on 18 November 2016 in Technopark “Idea”. Participants of the crash-test will present their projects to experts. According to the results of the selection the best projects will participate in the final selection on the Program “UMNIK” at the 14th All-Russian Youth Scientific and Technical Conference “IDEL-14”. According to the results of this selection the best projects will be recommended for a grant in the amount of 500 000 rubles for 2 years.

At the meeting Sergey Yushko invited to the event mentors and to become experts of the crash-test. In the near future invitations will be sent to mentors.

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